Poker is a card game where players have incomplete information and aim to make the best five-card hand they can using their two personal cards and the community (community) cards. Each player has a set amount of chips to bet with, which they can either “call” (put into the pot the same amount as the previous player) or raise (“bet more than you have in your chip stack”).

Before the first round of betting begins, each player is dealt 2 cards (“hole cards”) and then 5 more cards are revealed (the “flop,” “turn,” and “river”). If you have a good hand, you can win the “pot” or all of the bets placed into the pot.

If you have a good starting hand, such as a pair of kings, it is usually better to stay in to see the flop than fold because you might be able to improve your hand by getting the third card needed for a straight or the second card needed for a flush. However, you also run the risk of being called by another player with a better hand.

When you do decide to stay in, it is a good idea to raise rather than calling. This will help you build the pot and chase off others who are waiting to call with a higher hand. In addition, raising will signal to your opponents that you have a strong hand, which could help deter them from calling with a worse one.